
Archive for April, 2013

The Sad Decline of Journalism and Editing

2013/04/27 Leave a comment

Even the once mighty BBC has slipped. I would have expected them to know the difference between emigrate and immigrate.

BBC Headline: Boston bombing suspects’ mother regrets emigration to US

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Wall Street and Congress – in Bed Together

2013/04/17 2 comments

The SEC has to go up against some of the smartest criminals on the planet with its hands tied behind its back, as the Wiretap Act, which is Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, forbids the SEC from getting wiretaps as part of its investigations or even listening to wiretaps obtained by the DOJ. Nice job Congress. Of course these are the same upstanding lawmakers that just repealed the transparency provisions of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act. Contempt of Congress isn’t a crime; it’s a rational state of mind.